Cancel an order that has not yet been shipped

To cancel an order that has not yet been shipped, please contact the phone number on the contact page of your company and provide information.

Right to withdraw

The right to withdraw is a legal right that is regulated by the Consumer Protection Act of 6502. The consumer has the right to return the product unconditionally within 7 days from the delivery date of the product. (In case the right of withdrawal is used, the sales commission, shipment etc. costs belong to the buyer.)

How to use the right to withdraw

Within 7 days from the date of order delivery, a request for return related to the relevant product must be generated from the My Orders page. Consumer returns the product within 5 days from the date the customer makes a claim for extradition.

Shipping cost

The product's two-way transportation freight charges and any other costs that may arise belong to the consumer. The fee will be refunded after the relevant interruption has been made.


Package deformations and other deformations that will occur depending on the use of the product will not remove the right to withdraw. In the event of damage or deformation during the use of the product being handled or during the shipment, our company will issue a refund after deducting the cost required to return the product to its original condition.

Can the product arrive in the flawed way, return it?

Relevant return processes that may occur during production, transportation and during use are described on the Service / Warranty page.

Follow-up process

The fee will be delivered to your party within 10 business days maximum depending on the payment type after your product has been received. You can view information about the status of your return process on the Return process page under My Account page.

I made a payment by credit card, how can I get a fee refund?

A payment made by credit card is also made on the same credit card. In this case, your bank's payment back process is valid.

Returns process of coupons and campaigns

If you use a gift voucher or purchase a product during the purchase, the conditions of return vary. In this case please contact our company.